Surrendering the “Plan”

“Meet” Carsten LaMonte Weeks, born 3:04 AM Feb. 26; 7 lb., 10 oz., 21 inches. He had been a planned water birth at Amplatz Children’s Hospital, but it didn’t quite go as planned… …after 27 hours of natural labor, I was still only at...

The Beginning to our Great Story

My second child’s birth story actually began over two years ago with the anticipation of our firstborn, Koen. A natural childbirth was in my heart and always had been, but there was fear of the unknown. I turned to prenatal yoga and my aunt (our doula) for strength...

The Birth of Maude

A couple of weeks before having my second daughter, I was having a conversation with my friend, Lauren, about her three birth experiences. She told me her last one had only been three hours, and I looked at her incredulously.  I think I must have said “Three hours!?”...

Enlightened Birth Story: Baby Hans

Enjoy our newest blog addition—weekly birth stories from our Enlightened Mamas!  This one comes from a baby who just couldn’t wait to be Earthside! I will start this story with an explanation of my pre-labor… Sunday night into Monday morning, the...