Cold Weather Survival Guide: Outdoor Attire

Reality Check: We live in Minnesota. It’s going to be cold. And our children are going to need fresh air. It helps keep them healthy, and it helps keep cabin fever at bay. As an Arizona native, now Minnesota transplant, I am not a fan of being cold. Yes, the...

Patience, Fortitude, and Faith

In case you missed it, here’s the latest from our Enlightened Mama/Enlightened Wellness monthly newsletter…. As I sit on my couch, snuggled under a blanket, with light snow dropping outside my window, it seems unbelievable to think that just three weeks...

Cold Weather Survival Guide: Indoor Activities

If there’s one thing this cold snap has reminded me, it’s this: cabin fever is real. And it’s even worse for the little ones! After a beautiful summer of spending lots of time outdoors, playing at parks, breathing the fresh air, our little ones can...